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Musculoskeletal Health
Fibromyalgia & thyroid dysfunction
Musculoskeletal Health

Fibromyalgia: Connecting the Dots Between the Thyroid, Pain and Fatigue

The causes of fibromyalgia are complex, involving chronic inflammation and thyroid, HPTA-axis, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Treating fibromyalgia often requires comprehensive lifestyle and supplement support.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Fibromyalgia Case Study
Musculoskeletal Health

Case Study: Fibromyalgia

Learn about fibromyalgia and how to treat it, including key nutraceuticals and the importance of a multidisciplinary team, in this patient case study.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Musculoskeletal Health

The Immune System, Inflammation and Musculoskeletal Health

Let's broaden our focus on musculoskeletal pain and function to include how immune health and inflammation are influenced by the musculoskeletal system.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Joint Health & Inflammation
Musculoskeletal Health

Turmeric: The Golden First-Line Therapy for Joint Health

Studies show the bioactives in the natural turmeric matrix provide diverse benefits for osteoarthritis and joint health beyond those offered by traditional therapies, like intraarticular injections or oral medications.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Practice Management
Practice Management

Elephant in the Room: Stigma Against Offering Supplements

Functional medicine practitioners may struggle with the stigma against providing supplement recommendations from your office. However, this valuable service ensures your patients receive high-quality products with safe and effective ingredients.

Shilpa P. Saxena, MD, IFMCP, Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Patient Pain Education: Critical Keys to Success
Musculoskeletal Health

Time It Right: When You Should Educate Acute Pain Patients

Providing patient education is imperative. For patients experiencing pain, this must be carefully and intentionally delivered and timed to accommodate that individual's capacity, depending on where they are in their journey.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Practice Management
Chiropractic AND Functional Medicine? You Can Do Both
Practice Management

Integrate Multiple Approaches to Provide More Comprehensive Healthcare

Whichever medical discipline we choose should be leveraged as a cornerstone of our approach to healthcare. To offer more comprehensive healthcare, it is beneficial to adopt different and additional tools.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Top Nutrient Protocols for Acute Injury Recovery
Musculoskeletal Health

Top Nutrient Protocols for Acute Injury Recovery

In this article, we cover three broad recommendations for acute pain and inflammation as well as those for tissue and collagen repair.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Musculoskeletal Health

Microtrauma: The Little Things Matter

It was a typical Monday morning. I walked into one of our treatment rooms and encountered a fit, 53-year-old female patient in severe pain. She had severe right cervical pain that radiated into her right arm and hand. Her debilitating pain drastically...

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |


Health Benefits of Collagen: A Practitioner's Perspective

It is the start of a busy Wednesday morning and I walk into treatment room #2. One of my long-time patients is sitting on the treatment table, beaming at me, and says, "Doc, that stuff you gave me last month just rocked my socks!" Not quite knowing how to take that statement, I inquired, "Umm, how do you mean?" They replied, "My chronic knee pain is significantly better, and that deep hip pain is now well enough for me to sleep through the night!"

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Full-spectrum turmeric

The 4 Best Phytonutrients for Arthritis

Inflammation is the most common target for arthritis symptom management. However, to get to the root cause and ultimately improve outcomes, the target must incorporate the microbiome and consider systemic inflammation. Diverse pleotropic phytonutrients not only relieve local inflammation caused by the degradation of cartilage, but also enhance microbiome diversity and the gut epithelium, which helps reduce systemic inflammation. Here are the top phytonutrients I recommend for my arthritis patients:

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

How to Start a GroupExercise Program in Your Practice

"Exercise is medicine." This is probably one of the most to-the-point and impactful pieces of advice you can give your patients. The improvements exercise imparts on health, including rate of healing and decreased pain, are so significant that we are doing our patients a disservice if we neglect to encourage exercise in all its forms.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Musculoskeletal Health

Case Study: Peripheral Neuropathy

In this case, a two-phase plan was developed that would first address the most immediate causes of the patient’s pain via neuropathic damage and secondly, address the oxidative stress and inflammation.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Musculoskeletal Health

3 Patient Cases that Always Benefit from Nutritional Protocols

Your day begins as soon as you set foot in your office. Ten patient messages await your attention; an insurance denial on a patient's MRI beckons from your desk; one of your staff, who manages patient services and scheduling...

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Musculoskeletal Health

Pain, Addiction and the Opioid Crisis: A Fresh Perspective for a Growing Epidemic

From the pages of medical journals to the worried minds of family members watching loved ones suffer, the opioid crisis continues to permeate our society. Whether in chiropractic, allopathic or physical therapy offices, clinicians must focus on bringing awareness and solutions to patients concerned about physical pain and the very-real risk of addiction.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |


Strategies to Move Patients from Acute Injury to Long-Term Wellness

If patients are experiencing low back pain, they're not alone. About 80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes, and it is one of the most common reasons patients seek out medical care. Most causes of low back pain are not acute broken bones or traumatic accidents, but subacute/overuse injuries in which increased mechanical stress accumulates and degenerates body tissues over time, resulting in tissue failure. Any injury, whether categorized as a micro or macrotrauma, results in biomechanical dysfunction and is commonly characterized by both pain and inflammation.

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

Musculoskeletal Health
Musculoskeletal Health

Lifestyle Medicine's Approach to Tackling the Chronic Pain Problem

According the CDC, NIH, and Institute of Medicine, more than 30% of Americans are living with some form of chronic or severe pain. To put this in perspective, 116 million Americans live in pain, compared to the 30.3 million who suffer from diabetes, 25.4 million who suffer from cancer...

Adrian den Boer, ND, DC, IFMCP |

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