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Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine: Vitamin K2 as MK-7, Part 2

The mechanism by which warfarin prevents blood clotting may have detrimental impacts on vitamin K recycling—and even lead to arterial calcification.

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine: Vitamin K2 as MK-7, Part 3

Interfering with vitamin K may have unintended effects, like vascular calcification, which researchers hope to understand how to prevent.

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine: Vitamin K2 as MK-7, Part 1

Some experts are raising a new concern: that the common drug warfarin is actually contributing to disease by interfering with vitamin K.

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

Cardiovascular Disease: New Clinical Options for Expanding the Therapeutic Target, Part 3

A New Pleiotropic PathFrom early ideas about dietary fat, to a complex array of genetic risk factors and biomarkers, the arc of scientific discovery is pointing to cardiovascular disease being a pleiotropic condition. It follows, then, that one agent against a cluster of diseases will not produce favorable outcomes. The old "a pill for an ill" model will be outdated.Read more

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

Cardiovascular Disease: New Clinical Options for Expanding the Therapeutic Target, Part 2

Vector of Truth: Medical Research is an Arc of DiscoveryAnyone who devotes their career to scientific research is likely a seeker of truth. But this can sometimes mean taking the road less traveled. Even in medicine, it can be tempting to take the path of not seeking the hard and difficult questions about a disease, but to seek the expedient answers.Read more

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

Cardiovascular Disease: New Clinical Options for Expanding the Therapeutic Target, Part 1

Functional medicine can sometimes clash with the broader healthcare industry, which focuses on treating specific systems or diseases. In functional medicine, practitioners offer a more holistic and preventative approach to care, often recommending lifestyle, diet, and nutritional supplements. However, the norms of pharmaceutical research don't necessarily translate into effective supplement research. Moreover, nutritional supplements often fall into gray areas in drug regulation, making the safe and effective use of supplements difficult for many functional medicine clinicians.Read more

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS |

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