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Immune Health
The Complicated Patient: How to Approach Chronic Infections
Immune Health

The Complicated Patient: How to Approach Chronic Infections

Chronic viral infections, such as EBV or HHV-6, are complex conditions to test for and treat, but there are ways to resolve virus reactivation and autoimmunity.

Elroy Vojdani, MD |

Immune Health
Immune Health

How Mold and Mycotoxins Affect Immune Health

Mold and mycotoxin exposure can contribute to inflammatory issues and autoimmune disease in your patients. Fortunately, there are tests available to determine if mold or mycotoxin exposure is contributing to their symptoms, which may then require environmental rather than dietary intervention.

Elroy Vojdani, MD |

Immune Health
Runner on a bridge
Immune Health

Reprogramming Inflammation and the Immune Response

When we discuss inflammation and inflammatory diseases, it is important to consider not just the cause of inflammation but whether the body is able to turn off the inflammatory response to prevent chronic inflammation. Fortunately, there are ways to support these mechanisms in your patients.

Elroy Vojdani, MD |

Immune Health
Research Update about SBI and GI_Immune health
Immune Health

Research Update: Binding Capacities for Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulins

Dysfunction of the intestinal microenvironment is the primary therapeutic application of the lifestyle medicine movement. While diet and lifestyle are foundational, certain rare supplements can also support treatment efforts.

Elroy Vojdani, MD |

Immune Health
Moldy cement wall and wondows
Immune Health

Case Study: Mold Illness

A 33-year-old male presented with a 20-year history of chronic eczema, chronic athlete’s foot, mild asthma and moderate seasonal allergies.

Elroy Vojdani, MD |

Immune Health
Immune Health

Can COVID-19 Trigger Autoimmunity?

If we look back to late 2019 and early 2020, the medical community was beginning to understand autoimmunity differently, as a growing epidemic with deep roots in environmental triggers. Much of the tremendous rise of the wellness industry can be attributed to the increasing number of Americans finding themselves chronically ill secondary to a dysfunctional immune system. My own research to that time was dedicated to uncovering how that dysfunction is specifically triggered by factors in the environment.

Elroy Vojdani, MD |

Immune Health
Immune Health

COVID-19 & Autoimmunity: What We Know Now

In 2020, the medical discussion was dominated by the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19, and rightfully so-this has been an unprecedented health challenge and crisis. With the first year behind us and vaccines now available, many want to put the pandemic in the past, and resume health care and life the way it was before. I've been guilty of this myself at times, but unfortunately, we are only just beginning our battle with COVID-19.

Elroy Vojdani, MD |

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