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Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

Fasting and Cardiometabolic Disease: What Practitioners Need to Know

Fads come and go in the health and wellness space. When it comes to fasting, expect this one to stick around for the long-term. Unlike harmful diuretic weight loss pills, cabbage juice dieting, or the Thigh Master, fasting comes in many forms to fit the unique needs of the patient. These include fasting mimicking diets, intermittent fasting, weekly 24-hour fasts, alternate day fasting and more aggressive, extended fasts that require medical supervision.

Steven Imgrund, MS, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Why your patients need feedback
Cardiometabolic Health

Feedback: Why Patients Need It, When to Use It and How to Give It

If someone asked one of your new patients (between three to six months of care) how their care has been progressing, what would they say? Would they be able to talk about their subjective improvements, like energy levels, and how those relate to improvements in other categories, such as body composition goals, inflammatory markers, lipid levels and common diabetic parameters?

Steven Imgrund, MS, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

The Homocysteine Playbook: Why Should You Test, And What to Do If Elevated

A homocysteine blood test is common and relatively easy to run and has been used to assess cardiovascular and cognitive health.1-2 So, should we throw homocysteine out with the proverbial MTHFR bathwater?

Steven Imgrund, MS, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

These Are the Cardiovascular Risk Assessments You Need for Better Clinical Outcomes

In functional medicine, we are in no short supply of tests. Given the opportunity, many clinicians would love nothing more than to run copious amounts of blood, saliva, urine, and stool samples to assess every aspect of their patients' health. But the issue is that the cost of testing alone could reach thousands of dollars, and at that price, you better have a good reason why each test was chosen and how each will lead to better treatment.

Steven Imgrund, MS, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

4 Ways to Help Metabolic Syndrome Patients Avoid a Lifetime of Medications

Let's face the facts: If you see human patients, you're seeing patients with metabolic dysfunction. Even children, who should be resilient and thriving, are showing signs of metabolic dysfunction. Think back to the average patient walking through your doors (or on your virtual appointment calendar). It's rare to not see at least one or two aspects of metabolic syndrome.

Steven Imgrund, MS, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

Using Bergamot in Your Lipid-Lowering Strategy

In 2021, we are in no short supply of supplements that can support healthy cholesterol and improve lipid measurements. Many are backed by stacks of research including mechanistic studies, human randomized controlled trials, and some even have thousands of years of historical use in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It seems a lack of options is not the issue here. Rather, many clinicians are reluctant to or frustrated with incorporating supplements into a treatment plan, especially when it contradicts current guidelines.

Steven Imgrund, MS, CNS |

Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic Health

New Ways to Implement Functional Medicine Programs in 2021

There has never been a better time for functional medicine.The population of the modern world has a weight around its ankle named chronic disease, and we have been walking the pandemic plank for the better part of 2020.As a health care practitioner with an abundance of passion and sharp clinical knowledge, you see the writing on the wall. You know your patients need a personalized functional medicine plan with a foundation of lifestyle medicine.Knowing this and attracting actual patients to your practice are two separate things, however. Unfortunately, this hurdle often leaves many providers at the starting line stuck in pre-contemplation.

Steven Imgrund, MS, CNS |

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